To the Eastern traditions and to the Western traditions


…This appeal calls on the Churches of the East and the West to concentrate on the essential: “We cannot come before Christ, the Lord of history, as divided as we have unfortunately been in the course of the second millennium. These divisions must give way to rapprochement and harmony; the wounds on the path of Christian unity must be healed.”

Going beyond our own frailties, we must turn to him, the one Teacher, sharing in his death so as to purify ourselves from that jealous attachment to feelings and memories, not of the great things God has done for us, but of the human affairs of a past that still weighs heavily on our hearts. May the Spirit clarify our gaze so that together we may reach out to contemporary man who is waiting for the good news. If we make a harmonious, illuminating, life – giving response to the world’s expectations and sufferings, we will truly contribute to a more effective proclamation of the Gospel among the people of our time. – John Paul II

The Legend of the the Flores de Noche Buena

PepitaIn other words the Legend Flowers of the Holy Night or simply The Legend of the Christmas Flowers!

Pepita was a poor Mexican girl, children at her age was ready with Christmas present to Christ Child at Christmas Eve Services in her village chapel. She was so poor to afford a present. Pepita was sad and she walked slowly to the village chapel with her cousin Pedro. Pedro too was sad, but tried to cheer her up. He inspired her by saying ‘Pepita, I am sure, that even the most humble gift, if given in love, will be acceptable in His eyes’.

Not knowing what else to do, Pepita knelt by the roadside and gathered a handful of common weeds and made a small bouquet for her little Jesus. Looking at the scraggly bunch of weeds, she felt more saddened and embarrassed than ever by the humbleness of her offering.

She fought back tears as she entered the small village chapel. As she approached the alter to offer the Christmas gift, she remembered Pedro’s kind words: “Even the most humble gift, if given in love, will be acceptable in His eyes.” She felt her spirit lift as she knelt to lay the bouquet at the foot of the nativity scene. She became courageous and kept her chin up, her love for little Jesus streamed from her heart, but for the onlookers it was unpleasant scene.

Suddenly, the bouquet of weeds burst into blooms of brilliant red, and all who saw them were certain that they had witnessed a Christmas miracle right before their eyes.

From that day on, the bright red flowers were known as the Flores de Noche Buena, or Flowers of the Holy Night, for they bloomed each year during the Christmas season.

It may be a legend, but each Christmas we get a chance to meet girls like Pepita, are we reaching out to them? or are we busy with our Christmas parties?
Let us do a miracles… Change that poor little girls weeds into wonderful flowers and make her smile.
Merry Christmas!

9 Common confused statements of Youths about Catholic life


  1. Mass is a weekly gathering of Christians where they could express their feelings for one another.
  2. ‘Twilight’ is better than The Bible (Teen comment)
  3. It is OK to go for Mass on Monday or Tuesday in order to fulfill the “Sunday” obligation.
  4. I do not fear losing power! But I do not like him gaining power.
  5. Church is an organization founded after the death of Christ by his apostles in order to keep his ideas alive.
  6. Yearly general absolution is better than confession, therefore no need for personal confession.
  7. I prefer sleeping pills than the daily rosary.
  8. Yes, I forgive him. But, I like to poke him on regular basis.
  9. No mentors please! We need someone to rock with us!

Advent Craving!


Longing for you Lord,
Day and Night in this desert.

Me, hidden in
Palm copse silhouettes,
To hearken,
Alluring strumming Seraphs,
Tuning to their Christo praises
Longing for you Lord.

Frightened nostalgic stars,
Peeping through, bullet holes
Of dark blue sky cried:
“Brainless battles,
Carbon pollution,
Green, blazes in wild,
Cleft continents
Crave for chow”.

Harden hearts
Wax seal ears,
Disbands Love,
Laughs and utters:
“Gloria in excelsis Deo”.

Oh! Seraphs whispers,
The story of sacred child.
Let abreast you Holy,
Cannot cuddle you little child.
Your grace goes beyond my flesh,
Oh! Me, leaping into your infinite soul.

Vanquished by you, Light
Let the dark ebb
And the Heaven land.

I am longing for you Lord,
From the silhouettes of palm copse,
With the weeping stars,
With the burning
Christmas trees
With the carbon breathe
I am longing for you Lord
Waiting for you
Sacred Child!

We are relational beings!


“Fraternity is an essential human quality, for we are relational beings. A lively awareness of our relatedness helps us to look upon and to treat each person as a true sister or brother; without fraternity it is impossible to build a just society and a solid and lasting peace.” – Papa Francis


Do not destroy yourself; Tu scendi dalle stelle!


Why do we refuse to forgive? Are we punishing the other person and protecting ourselves from further harm? Not really. Our enemies suffer minimally from our unforgiveness compared with the damage we do to ourselves. The verdict we pass on others is passed on us. (Mt 7:2) Unforgiveness is a fatal poison which cuts us off from forgiveness (Mk 11:24-25), and worship. (Mt 5:23-24). That means, we are totally cut off from the grace of God.

When we are separated from the graces, we are handed over to the torturers. (Mt 18:34) These torturers are not people, but worse. They are such experiences as fear, depression, frustration, anxiety, self-hatred and loneliness. As these and other torturers work over us, we deteriorate to a level of existence which is characterized by fruitless, compulsive, escapist activities. Hatred Is a barrier to forgiveness, it prevents the person from taking positive actions, it prevents his positive achievements, it fills the person with resentment, bitterness and depression.

Oh, my God!, I do not want to be a hatred person, because I want to enjoy my freedom with Christ!. Let the grace of God be there with me, so I will have enough compassion to practice forgiveness. If you feel compassion to your enemies, then you are halfway in forgiveness. Your inner healing starts there! Your success in life starts there!

We must forgive others and ourselves or destroy ourselves. Yet it is humanly impossible to forgive. “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” Only God can forgive. To forgive another is more miraculous than healing someone in the most advanced stages of cancer. But God will do this miracle for us.

Certainly, forgiveness does not come spontaneously or naturally to people. Forgiving from the heart can sometimes be actually heroic. The truth is that one cannot remain a prisoner of the past, for individuals and peoples need a sort of “healing of memories”, so that past evils will not come back again. This does not mean forgetting past events; it means reexamining them with a new attitude and learning precisely from the experience of suffering that only love can build up, whereas hatred produces devastation and ruin. The deadly cycle of revenge must be replaced by the new-found liberty of forgiveness. For this to happen, we must learn to read the history of other peoples without facile and partisan bias, making an effort to understand their point of view. This is a real challenge also on the level of education and culture. This is a challenge for civilization!

“I entrust you with the task of living and spreading forgiveness, thus becoming peacemakers. Looking at the crib, where the little Child lies in the straw of the manger, we can easily understand what forgiveness is: it is reaching out to the other who offended me, coming close to him who drew away from me. God was faithful to sinful humanity to the point of dwelling among us.

The beautiful Christmas carol Tuscendi dalle stelle says: ‘Oh, how much it cost you to have loved me!”. The Son of God loved us, who offended him; we too must love those who offend us, and thus conquer evil with good. To hate sin but to love the sinner: this is the way to peace, the way that the Lord teaches us from the mystery of his birth.” – Papa John Paul II

Time tells the world: ‘It is time to change!’

timespapafrancisPope Francis has been named Time Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’ for 2013. He is the third Roman Pontiff to receive this honour after John XXIII in 1962 and John Paul II in 1994.
The Head of the Holy See’s Press Office, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, issued the following statement:
“The decision didn’t come as a surprise given the great resonance and attention surrounding the election of Pope Francis right from the start of the new pontificate. The fact that one of the most prestigious awards to be attributed by the international press should go to someone who promotes spiritual, religious and moral values as well as call for peace and greater justice in an incisive manner is a positive sign. As for the Pope himself, he’s not someone who seeks fame and success, because he has put his life at the service of announcing the Gospel of the love of God for mankind. It is pleasing to the Pope that this service should appeal and give hope to women and men. And if this choice of ‘Person of the Year’ should mean that many people have understood this message – at least implicitly – the Pope is really happy about this.”

ST. NICHOLAS, The Santa Claus


Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and simply “Santa”.

This saint is the patron of schoolboys. It is well known that his  feast is celebrated in many European countries by children putting  out their shoes in the evening, only to find them in the morning  filled with sweets and little gifts, presumably by St. Nicholas. In  some countries St. Nicholas visits families himself on December  6th and holds a cross-examination of the children, and those who  in his opinion deserve it, receive a present, while those who do  not, go without. In some countries on this day parents would have a talk  with each of their children in turn, telling them all the good things  they had noticed in them, praising them generously where praise  was earned, and with equal justice pointing out the faults in them  that needed to be corrected.

Wonderful way to build family in advent time!